Location: Mukai-Takko, Shimo-Iwakawa, Mitane Town
Site(s) of performance: Mukai-Takko Community Center
Date(s): August 13
Category: Shishimai and Bangaku
The bangaku at Mukai-Takko started when a priest, a former shugen ascetic, of Hibiki Village (in the former Futatsui Town) was invited here in 1854 so that young people could learn bangaku. The bangaku of Hibiki Village belonged to the school of Nekko Bangaku (the bangaku of Nekko, a community in the former Ani Town). At the end of the 19th century, a villager went to Babame (in Gojome Town) for work and learned the bangaku there and blended it with the bangaku at Mukai-Takko.
About Shishimai and Bangaku