Location: Yokooka, Kisakata-machi, Nikaho City
Site(s) of performance: Yokooka Community Hall
Date(s): January 1 and 2, a day in June, July 1, August 13 and 15, and September 1
Designation: Prefecture-Designated Intangible Folkloric Cultural Property
Category: Shishimai and Bangaku
This is the bangaku of Yokooka (former Kisakata Town) and was also called Yokooka Shishimai or Yokooka Bangaku in the past. It is said that Lord Ikoma of Yashima Domain brought it here in 1640. However, according to another legend, someone named Bunpei of Shimo-Momoyake (former Chokai Town) taught this dance to the youth of Yokooka. To support the latter theory, there are similar legends both in Yokooka and Shimo-Momoyake. In any case, it seems to belong to the school of Honkai Bangaku. In the old days, the stages for this bangaku were set up in the gardens of individual houses.
About Shishimai and Bangaku