Uchikawa Kodomo Sasara

Location: Uchikawa, Gojome Town
Site(s) of performance: Asaminai Community Center, Yunomata Community Center, and Gojome-Shinmei Shrine
Date(s): May 5 and the 3rd Saturday of May (Gojome Bangaku Performance Event at the annual festival of Shinmei Shrine) (no longer performed as of the time of the survey conducted in fiscal year 2020)
Category: Sasara and Horse Dance
In spite of the word kodomo (children) in the name, Uchikawa Kodomo Sasara used to be performed by youth. It is a lion dance with three lions, each performed by one person. Music is performed with drums, horizontal bamboo (to be hit by sticks), and hand gongs.

About Sasara and Horse Dance (Koma-Odori)